Tuesday, November 26, 2013

P is for pilgrim

I found all the p and stamped them

Fingerprint corn

I put my finger in the stamper pad and I colored the corn. Some of it was brown, some yellow, some red, some orange.

Pasta necklace

The pasta was already colored you just put it on the string 

Cheerios corn

It's a corn made of Cheerios .

Tissue turkey

That is a turkey that you put glue on the paper and then you put tissues.

November art

That one was with some paper with glue and then you put your hands with paint on it first and then you put feathers. Miss Jeannine made the beak and the legs.

Scrape the color

You had the color and you had to scrape it with the leaves .

Roll and color turkey

You roll the dice and you have to find the number . You have to color on the number not on the feet

Fall leaf

I put something under it and then I colored it all kid of colors. It was a bumpy thing so the leaf is all bumpy too.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Pumpkin with holes

This is a pumpkin that you poke with those things you use for your teeth but I didn't finish cause the teacher said 5 minutes!

Counting spiders

I colored them and then it asked how many orange spiders? I counted 9 so I did an awesome 9. Then how many black spiders ? I counted 3 so I made an awesome 3


I put glue and colored salt on it.


I cut the black paper to make a person and I ripped the white paper and then I put some glue ad stick the white paper and the eyes

Vulcano and storm

I made this at home and it's a vulcano with a storm!


I put some glue under the balls I make it soft and I cut the paper and stick the eyes and the mouth is a circle and it goes whooooooo


I had to put some glue for the pasta to stick on and then I cut the paper and I put glue under it and stick it on and then I put eyes!